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See Emily Play is the second single by English psychedelic rock band Pink Floyd. Written by original frontman Syd Barrett and recorded on 23 May...
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Relics by Pink Floyd was released in 1971 on 14 May in the UK and 15 July in the United States. In order to issue some more “product” for...
Candy and a Currant Bun was the B-side to Pink Floyd’s first single, Arnold Layne, recorded 29 January 1967 at Sound Techniques Studios in...
The Verve – A Storm In Heaven 00:00 Star Sail 03:57 Slide Away 08:06 Already There 13:44 Beautiful Mind 19:10 The Sun, The Sea 24:26 Virtual...
Golden Age Of Bloodshed off the Pop Crimes album. Rowland Stuart Howard wrote “Shivers” at the age of 16 while in the band The Young...
The Feelies – Crazy Rhythms (1980) The band’s name is taken from a fictional entertainment device described in Aldous Huxley’s...
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