RAWMAN 3000 portable vinyl player

Rocket & Wink has long been famous for maximize size and increasing performance.This time we have outdone ourselves.

We proudly present the Rawman 3000.

The first portable vinyl player from the 80s. The Rawman 3000 produces such a big, rich sound, that it only can be compared to a very elaborate and expensive component stereo record player system. Yet, it´s so small that you can take it anywhere you go . There is really no way to convey the remarkable sound quality of this little machine. You´ve got to hear it.

The Rawman comes with featherweight (1.4. oz.), stereo headphones, USB Port, Smartcard, antenna for Bluetooth connection and practical carrying strap. Furthermore an exclusive Hot-Line button which lets you carry-on a conversation or sing along over the music.

The Rawman 3000 is available in 7“,10“ and 12“ from june 1983 (in an other dimension).

More info here

Rocket & Wink. Since May 2011, Rocket Man and Nature Boy are a team.
And they see themselves as more than just condiment waiters at an empty breakfast buffet. They dish up in all categories – design, illustration, literature, product development, and conception. And always at full throttle.

Rocket & Wink. For clients who appreciate the gentle vibrations of a hazelnut-sized colibri collecting nectar at a Giant Lobelia just as much as the colossal burp of a mammoth that’s just demolished a greasy repast from the Elvis cookbook.

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